About Me

Doug Murphy, Owner

ACE Certified Personal Trainer since 1996

Life as the owner of a personal training business has been interesting, to say the least. Training clients across the USA, from Chicago and Miami to Philadelphia and Washington, DC. Helping a rock star get in shape for a 6 month European tour. Contributing to Men’s Fitness magazine, ACE Certified News, and IDEA Fitness Journal. Featured fitness consultant for a variety of newspaper and magazine articles, as well as TV and radio appearances.

Pretty exhilarating stuff for someone who was once an overweight, unathletic child. The discovery of a barbell set in my grandfather’s basement changed all that’¦


My fitness career started in the heyday of Nautilus, leg warmers, and Duran Duran (You can probably guess the decade). Five years as a fitness instructor at various health clubs during college led to local bodybuilding competition and fitness modeling. After a brief period in the fields of finance and commercial fitness equipment sales, I returned to what I had a real passion for-helping people reach their fitness goals, and sometimes changing their lives in the process.

After years of working for health clubs and personal training companies, I launched DSM Fitness in 1999. I believed that a more customized, functional, challenging, and yet personal approach to training would yield much better results. I still follow that philosophy today.

I’ve been based out of Washington, DC since 2003, after running two successful personal training businesses in Chicago and Miami. I started online training to reach and help more people, and make scheduling easier and more convenient for hectic, busy lifestyles. My goal is to make training accessible for everyone.

I’m now celebrating my 30th year in the health and fitness industry!

Olathe Life Cover August 1988
An early magazine cover, complete with Billy Idol hair -Olathe Life, August 1988
Chicago 1999
Meridian Hill Park, Washington DC- July 2011


Meridian Hill Park-washington
Think you’re too old to get in shape? This is me at 57!
Meridian Hill Park, Washington DC August 2020
My clients have included dancers, models, actors, musicians, marathoners, doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, politicians, students, military, and State Department employees, to name a few! I enjoy the challenge of creating effective workout routines that fit in with a person’s unique lifestyle, schedule, and goals.

The most challenging and rewarding part of my work involves training people with various health problems. I have helped clients with weight loss, heart disease, MS, cancer, hypertension, HIV, high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, chronic pain, post-rehab, and many other conditions. I attend many seminars, classes and conferences each year in order to stay on top of the latest research and training methods.

When possible, I work in conjunction with a client’s doctor or physical therapist in setting up safe and effective exercise programs to help improve their quality of life.

Meet Doug Murphy | Certified Personal Trainer, owner of DSM Fitness

We had the good fortune of connecting with Doug Murphy and we’ve shared our conversation below. Hi Doug, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business? I wanted complete control. I worked in the corporate world for 10 years and grew tired of layers of management….

Community Involvement

Giving back to the community is an important part of what I do. I regularly donate training sessions to silent auctions at various charity and fundraising events in Washington, DC. This enables me to help support worthwhile organizations like foodandfriends.org

To recommend an organization of charity, please contact Doug at 202-297-3092 or Email Us.